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Integrating LiDAR and Aerial Imagery for Object
Height Estimation: A Review of Procedural and
AI-Enhanced Methods
Jesus Guerrero, Graduate Student Member, IEEE
Abstract—This work shows a procedural method for extracting
object heights from LiDAR and aerial imagery. We discuss how
to get heights and the future of LiDAR and imagery processing.
SOTA object segmentation allows us to take get object heights with
no deep learning background. Engineers will be keeping track of
world data across generations and reprocessing them. They will
be using older procedural methods like this paper and newer ones
discussed here. SOTA methods are going beyond analysis and into
generative AI. We cover both a procedural methodology and the
newer ones performed with language models. These include point
cloud, imagery and text encoding allowing for spatially aware AI.
Index Terms—GeoAI, LiDAR, Segmentation, Transformers
In the original project-this research was based on finding tree
canopy heights for San Antonio, TX. However, the result is
applicable to any object. We limited ourselves to Aerial LiDAR
and imagery. Using any geospatial editor, this workflow can
be reproduced to get object heights. The end result is tabular
data of individual objects. It can include the height, location,
area, perimeter length and object type.
We surveyed the literature looking for solutions for this tree
height problems [2]. We found in this modern era better results
are possible with more detailed remote data. More bands and
different models are a contemporary solution. But LiDAR and
imagery are readily obtainable and updated at any time. Drones,
satellites can survey many times and in any part of the world.
For a few thousand dollars per kilometer they can be reshot.
Using this procedural method any geospatial research will be
able to duplicate this, not just on trees. In addition, this work
will talk about the future of geospatial AI with LiDAR and
Imagery [5].
A. Technical Background
The geospatial field is beginning to merge with modern AI
methods. Years ago most of the models were RNNs, CNNs and
classical machine learning. Now-engineers are using advanced
methods to recreate a niche field-GeoAI. Though it has existed
this entire time, it never looked as it does now. Embedding
methods like Word2Vec just did not exist back then. And now
we have anything to vector as a simple plug and play to deep
learning models.
Point clouds created from LiDAR are part of this embedding
[14]. They exist as having bands detailing their values per
point. Below is an example of a point cloud where the points
have cartesian coordinates for 3D awareness. These coordinates
are usable in any workflow both procedural and deep learning.
Using LiDAR libraries we can place RGB and infrared values to
each point. These types of point clouds can have up to 5 bands
[15]-the coordinate, elevation, RGB colors and infrared. Then
a final classification flag-such as powerlines, tree, building.
These bands and classification can be flattened in the same
way as Vision Transformers [4]. They are used in neural models
to perform many tasks. The same is true for imagery. We take
the RGB bands of the image then flatten them for a model
like SAM (Segment Anything Model) [4].
Fig. 1 Point Clouds
For the purpose of this research we convert the LiDAR
values into elevation maps then subtract heights. These maps
are grayscale at a low resolution with values being height of
that particular point. Existing image-text to text models can
interpret those values.
As an introduction to GeoAI we start with a procedural way
of solving object height. Afterward we show modern methods.
Both are reviewed and discussed. Quickly you will see what
is written here appear in the coming months. Given the nature
of machine learning this type of technology is inevitable.
TABLE I: Research Questions
Research Question
RQ1 How to get object heights using LiDAR & aerial imagery?
What LiDAR & imagery models can be used in remote sensing?
RQ3 How can we get object heights using only LiDAR?
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A. Methods
RQ1: How to get object heights using LiDAR & imagery?
Typically LiDAR points are classified by type. This would be
trees, ground, buildings, power lines. Without this, there would
have to be an intermediate step of classifying points. Point
classification is a small issue and is already solved. Labelling
a cluster of points as one object-that is the bigger issue. The
fulcrum of the method used here is segmentation. We combine
the individual object detection by SAM and the LiDAR type
to create tabular data:
Fig. 2 Results
The two input data, LiDAR and imagery, are processed
separately then combined. Two elevation models are created,
ground and object by height value. The objects are taken from
the LiDAR with null outside the points. The blank white just
means no data exists at those points.
Ground elevation is blocked by the object point clouds. To
remedy this we take the nearest neighboring points of missing
heights to create a ground height. We then subtract object
height from ground height then union the resulting differences
as an object table. Once segmentation is done-the area of the
objects can be placed under three metrics. Min, Max and Mean
height of the object. It is feet about sea level. We include a
picture of some results by object:
Fig. 3 Procedural Method
RQ2: How can we get object heights using only LiDAR?
Encoding LiDAR bands into transformer blocks is the latest
trend [14]. Normal LiDAR data includes simple elevation
and points classified. Given how easy it is to create custom
architectures-we can repurpose past LiDAR for transformers.
Most LiDAR datasets were used in convolutional neural
networks and models like PointNet++ [10].
Instead of using aerial imagery and LiDAR separately-current
research is finding the best results with them together. They
combine the RGB colors of imagery with the LiDAR elevation,
infrared-all in 5 bands. Given this combination of bands-remote
sensing object heights can become the most accurate ever.
Fig. 4 LiDAR Point Classification
After adding an adapter-transformer blocks can be trained
with MLP layers to do anything we want. Even multi-model
LLMs which can take in LiDAR [8]. These generative AI are
similar to the original adapter for Vision Transformer. Though
we flatten the new bands. Some of these models will be released
to the public soon.
RQ3: What is the future of LiDAR and imagery processing?
For now-using the pipeline displayed in figure RQ1 is the most
accessible way to get object heights. It requires little deep
learning education. Researchers can use the method in this
paper with only geospatial knowledge. Machine Learning is
becoming more accessible month by month to all people. The
field is accelerating as it becomes easier for people to enter.
Just a few years ago transformers only existed for NLP.
Now-given how quickly vision transformers made its way
into generative AI. No modal of data will be exempt from
being placed into transformers and therefore LLMs. The same
will be done with remote sensing generative AI. Today it is
starting with ground point clouds. But soon it will turn into
aerial LiDAR. We will see more remote sensing problems
solved with transformers and NLP. LiDAR and imagery are no
exception. Some surveys are regularly updated with the latest
research on imagery and LiDAR. If you want to see the SOTA
here is where you can find them:
TABLE II: Resources for Imagery & LiDAR
Focus Listing
Imagery Techniques
LiDAR Techniques
Remote Sensing LLMs
For the lifetime of object detection in vision research-
accuracy of aerial imagery has been a struggle. Libraries like
DeepForest [12], foundational models such as SAM, do struggle
to get SOTA results. For many years vision researchers have
been trying to segment objects from satellite imagery. There are
so many use cases for having up to date objects from satellite-
it’s a hot topic. The typical result is about 70% recall for objects
today, even with SAM. For many problems and methods this
is the constricting value. As such it is the constricting value
for this research.
We found these libraries work in different spatial resolutions.
Small 10cm resolution was good for small objects, missing all
the bigger objects. 30cm was great for larger objects but missed
the small objects. We took a happy medium and decided on
20cm. Notice in figure 5 the bigger tree canopies have not been
detected. This is due to the 20cm resolution with SAM. It’s
the perfect spatial resolution for the average tree, but not the
bigger ones. In addition most of these models perform better
in cities. Geography and location make a huge difference.
Fig. 5 SAM Results
Two solutions for this is to fine-tune SAM/DeepForest or
ensemble results at different resolutions. We found lower
resolutions, like 50cm, do pick up bigger object but also
hallucinate objects. At 20cm there is less false positives and
just miss larger objects. It is recommended by other engineers
to fine-tune results to the city or rural area being inferenced.
Other RGB segmentation methods exist-like in the table below.
These recall numbers are average for all resolution, geography
and object type.
TABLE III: RGB Detection Models
Models Recall Can fine-tune?
RetinaNet (Trainable) 65%+ Yes
SAM (Foundational) 68% Yes
DeepForest (Trees) 69% Yes
The future of remote sensing is geospatial LLMs. The
architectures are already there. Given the state of remote
sensing today-there are many untried projects. The difference
today is the quality of point, RGB and text embedding. The
transformers architectures have become very effective. Papers
like LiDAR-LLM [16] have promising results. The authors
show increasing n-gram metrics, classification accuracies and
improved sequential adherence.
In the corpus of research-more papers like these will
be published soon. PointNet++, PointTransformers [15] and
Fig. 6 Example Point Cloud LLMs [16]
so many others are on the way. These transformers come
in compact model scripts of pure tensor manipulation. It
has become so simple to create these models due to the
effectiveness of attention. For transformer models-we have
not seen such effects on AI since the publication of RNNs and
The main issue-everything is so new. These architectures
are not heavily trained. LiDAR encoders flatten the bands
and classifications. The .las file is placed into an MLP and
through the transformer as an embedding. With the versatility
of attention and simplicity of the architecture-what we need is
datasets. Datasets are the future of geospatial LLMs. We need
to input geo data, text and output geo data, text.
We gave an introduction to GeoAI through a procedural
method for extracting object heights. The current state of remote
sensing is moving from these methods to generative ones.
Despite the speed of remote sensing we are not yet extracting
geometries from aerial data using NLP. The latest literature
shows we are currently getting past the LiDAR embedding.
But-there have not been any groundbreaking language model
developments here yet. Ground LiDAR is far more popular
due to its use in robotics. Research is at the cusp of creating
geospatial LLMs that will turn procedural methods into NLP
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