The Mindbody Syndrome AKA Tension Myositis Syndrome/TMS is a condition of the body whereby emotions are either creating real injuries or inducing pain from some disorder when the pain should not be there. It is a condition of the body from the connection of the mind to the emotions.
A grand majority of chronic pain recipients are in fact victims of this condition and go undiagnosed for YEARS. The injury itself is created by TMS and can only be healed by addressing this connection between the mind and the body.
An influencer named Nicole Sachs suffered from debilitating low back pain due to a condition from birth known as spondylolisthesis. Throughout her youth she was severely limited by movement due to chronic pain. Doctors told her she would never be able to have children and would likely eventually be unable to walk due to the pain.
She states in her journey most forms of back disorders, including real injuries, do not necessarily have to produce pain. She addresses her chronic pain with the solution of solving her connection between her body and her emotions.
There are countless stories like these about how addressing the real cause of the chronic pain, TMS, has completely eliminated pain such as RSI wrist injuries, lower/upper back pain, knee pain, plantar fasciitis, neck pain, jaw pain, hip pain and many other issues.
Table of Contents
How Do I Address TMS?
The primary form of addressing TMS is through reducing past emotional trauma. These emotions are the true source of chronic pain and provide a constant flow of stress to the body. By reducing emotional trauma the pain will naturally subside.
The cheapest and most effective way to do this, is by following a journaling technique. I will explain it very quickly then talk about the alternatives. For journaling, you pick 10 topics in the past, present and future for a total of 30 topics, going from the most traumatic to the least traumatic.
— -Example — -
- Topic #1 (Most traumatic)
- Topic #2
- Topic #3
- etc.
- Topic #1
- Topic #2
- Topic #3
- etc.
- Topic #1
- Topic #2
- Topic #3
- etc.
— –
Next, journal one topic at a time for at least 20 minutes until the trauma is simply easier to deal with. Just dump all your emotions and thoughts from your inner most being, giving the truth of what you actually feel. This should be the most private thoughts that you would never tell anyone.
When you are done throw away the journal and resolve yourself to what you will do in public. Finish with a self-compassion video (here is an example) for 10 minutes, to learn to accept yourself as you are. Repeat this for every topic and rewrite the past, present & future list once all the topics are used up.
Do this 20 minute journal and 1o minute self-compassion video everyday and you WILL notice a major difference in your emotions, stress, chronic pain and social skills. The benefits are amazing.
The Ultimate Guide to Chronic Pain
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Other Effective Ways to Address TMS
These are less effective though tend to reduce emotional trauma quite a bit. There are specific ways to use these that will improve the state of your emotional health. I will order them in order of effectiveness.
Addressing emotions as they come
The first and most effective way to deal with new trauma is to learn to release your emotions right when they come. Though this is particularly unpopular with Christians, it is the most healthy thing you can do for yourself.
If there is a death of a close individual, it is extremely healthy to cry in private and understand how you feel. Actually grieving these types of events are the best way. This often is better than even journaling and should be done for all traumatic events, big or small.
The secret is to do it in private or with people you trust. Most of the average community tend to dislike people who show their emotions in public.
I will give you an example of what happens when you don’t express your emotions. Eddie Belmares, a friend of mine from church, always got angry in most circumstances. His anger caused him emotional trauma on a consistent basis.
At one point, his family pulled him aside in an intervention and asked him not to get angry anymore. So, guess what he did. He held his anger inside. Within weeks he developed low back pain so debilitating he had to go to the hospital.
His method of addressing his emotions was through fits of anger. What he should have done is expressed his emotions privately and taught himself to have a different response to adversity.
This is the same for you. Are you holding emotions in? Sadness, depression, anxiety, anger, hatred, deal with these by expressing them privately or on the page/journaling, then resolve how you will respond with constructive and not destructive emotions to these in the future.
Psychotherapy is extraordinarily useful. For TMS it provides the ability to express your emotions with a person who is trying to get you to open up and release past trauma. The only issue is, this costs money and requires insurance.
Prayer works for this, as a release of emotion. Whenever adversity shows itself, it is good to pray and express your emotions to God. However the previously mentioned acts are more effective. Most Christian will dispute this but the other methods are specifically catered to TMS.
It would be like saying which will grant you more physical strength, going to the gym daily, or a 20 minute prayer in the morning. Obviously the answer is the gym. Although, the best solution is to pray and go to the gym at the same time.
I Will Leave You With This
To start healing from TMS I will leave you with this epic lecture. Here you will get into the biological details of TMS, why you are in pain and how to get out of it. I recommend watching it in its entirety, especially if you are in pain right now. And, the best part about it, it is entirely free and only exists to benefit YOU!
Anywho, I hope you learned something…
Happy coding!
Nicol Sachs website: